

1.   阿聯酋(UAE)是一個獨立主權國,不是經濟合作與發展組織的成員(簡稱經合組織) 。


2.   阿聯酋(UAE)不在國際組織經合組織(OECD) 的避稅天堂“黑名單”及財務行動特別組織(FATF)的黑名單內。


3.   阿聯酋(UAE)的拉斯海瑪(R.A.K.)是真正地經濟區域。


4.   U.A.K.政府提供通過離岸公司的名義來註冊私人遊艇以及其他娛樂船隻。註冊私人遊艇和船隻的手續簡單,費用及一年的保養費用都很低。


如想註冊阿聯酋公司或了解更多資料,歡迎隨時聯絡聯岸會計秘書服務 :


Whatsapp : (852) 9681 4118

致電 : (852) 2186 6936

電郵 : info@accountingifs.com




Whilst reasonable care has been taken in provision of information above, it does not constitute legal or other professional advice. INTERSHORES does not accept any responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any error omission and accepts no responsibility for any financial or other loss or damage that may result from its use.  In particular, readers are advised to take appropriate professional advice before committing themselves to any involvement in jurisdictions, vehicles or practice.



